Video View Live, Video View Live Stream Construction, Video View Videography, Video View Development & Design created with the consumer, small business owner and even corporations best interest at heart.

We made the whole process easier and immensely convenient for you. Virtual viewing of the property is a service that enables prospective buyers to immerse themselves with a detailed look at all of our properties presented on our website.

For the consumer we provide live stream construction services, in all areas of construction and general contracting.The benefits of live streaming construction projects are real time visual updates. Real time visual examination and inspections. Building Inspectors can inspect at any point in time just by requesting to join the live stream. The video stream will keep your Contractor or Handyman honest and continually giving his/her best effort building and repairing in the correct way according to the county building code.

Building a house is a process of different contractors with different skill sets coordinating to complete the project. The biggest time and money losses are in meetings, revisions.

and the Contractors not being coordinated with the homeowners and the general Contractor or Project Manager.THE WAIT IS OVER With Video View Live everyone will be on the same page at all points in time and decisions can made on or off the project site. No more waiting for someone to arrive we have the solution without visiting the jobsite. We don't have to wait.

Hidden Defects

Just like an older home, a brand-new home can contain several hnidden or "latent" defects that could require expensive repairs. A weak slab could crack. The siding could fall off. The wood floors could warp. Your toilet could overflow. Electrical wiring could be done incorrectly. Heavy rains can reveal inadequate waterproofing or grading, leading to leaks or flooding. Any problem you might be afraid to find in an existing home can also appear in a brand-new one.

To protect yourself, research the builder's reputation and the subcontractors used before committing to a purchase. And always pay for a thorough inspection by an independent home inspector who is not affiliated with the builder.

Thanks to Video view Live their will be no more hidden defects. The House will be laid bare at all point in time, any defects will be determined in real time by the owner or inspector. Video View Live Stream Construction is for the honest hard working Americans who provide the best services possible and not timid showing their exceptional skillset to the world from start to finish. This is who we hire, only the best that can prove their the best on their own accord.

Video View Live Stream Contracting is not for unsure or unsecure Contractors and handymen. Video View Live Stream Contracting for 10 year plus experienced vets of the trade that can provide their portfolio in their Video View Live webpage and keep a 95 rating with no 100% success rate on their profile rating.

Video View Development & Design success

The future of web and software development is this, Real Time Development Real Time design. The latter phrases will be the most common repeated phrases in the Media and development Industry starting now!

Video View Design & Development allows the consumer to actual design and develop via live stream. Most develop and design companies allow up to 3 revisions or they might call them website changes, where you can request a different design or different function after the website is completed. This takes extra time and extra payment, where you are paying for more work hours in most cases. Most of the times this could take weeks or months depriving the consumer of the earliest return on their investment date. This cost in some cases raise the cost thousands and tens thousands of dollars. Video View Live develops your project while you view the progress from your mobile device or desktop from wherever you are in the world and at anytime you can say " I don't want it like that, and the Video View Live Developer will change it to your liking, working with you until you are satisfied with the design and with the functionality and its properties while you test the function in real time. At Video View Developing we actual work with you while you make the calls and we do the work.

Whatever line of work you do Stream It .

Freelancers, Small Business Owners, Flippers, Entrepenuers, Sole Propieters or any Contractor, no matter what your profession is you can utilize the video View Live website and for A limited time its absolutely free ( no credit card needed ), just by uploading the video you make or have made that represents your business or shows you in action completing projects, and upload this video to your own page on the Video View Live website. This page is brandable with your company logo or with your photo.

If you are a Contractor or Handyman and have at least 10 years of experience in your profession no matter what it is:





Fashion Designer

Virtual Assistant


Tax Preparer

Legal Assistant




Online Consultant

Remote Home Inspector

Private Detective

Bounty Hunter

Computer Repair

Auto Dealer

Grant Writer


Cold Caller

Anything that can be done will prosper on the Video View Live Platform